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Can I get a discount on bulk orders?

Updated At Mar 11, 2024

Promotions & Coupons

Bulk Order Discounts
The bulk order discount codes from our old website will no longer work on this new website. We will be working on a new system in the near future, but if you have an old code and would like to place an order, please contact us for a new temporary code.

For orders over $1000.00, we offer an additional 5% discount off ALL prices shown in our catalogue. This is in addition to the reward points you receive when you shop on our web site.
To apply for your bulk order discount, please send your name, address, email address and details of your group, college or tutoring etc. We will then send a discount code which you can use to obtain the discount on the web site.

If you order by phone or post please quote the discount code.

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